My First Trading Model

Introducing the buy and hold trading model.

The Buy Model is always true.

The Sell Model is always false.

The Security is GE.

The Safe Harbor is SPY.

This Trading Model is the simplest trading model possible. It signals to buy immediately and hold forever.  

When using Buy and Hold, the Trading Model and the Security will always be precisely the same line. This will not be true for more complex trading models. 

Try This

Click on GE in blue and view the percentage return on your portfolio.

Click anywhere on any line to view the value on that date

Click the up, down, left, and right arrow keys to navigate along or between lines

Now Try This

Click on 2003 and change the year to 2008

Hit the Refresh Button or CONTROL + R

Now Try This

Click on Security and change it to AAPL

Your Security should now look like this...

Hit Control + R or the Refresh Button  



Now click on the Candlestick Tab at the bottom of the graph

Click on a bar to view data for that day