Equities Lab Homework
What is the structure of homework?
Homework is based on the Stock Screener type, with a few exceptions.
Performance/Evaluation Period
In the Overview tab, homework contains performance requirements and a hard-coded evaluation period.
- Homework must conform to the performance requirements to get a good grade.
- Unlike normal Stock Screeners, homework may only be tested with the professor-specified evaluation period and rebalance strategy.
Grading Criteria
In addition to the Performance Requirements, professors may set additional grading criteria under the grading criteria tab. These will specify additional constraints on your screener, such as Market Cap, P/E, etc.
Trading Rules
Professors can specify the max holdings, rebalance, trading cost, trading model, and benchmarks.
Create a new assignment (for professors)
- Use the “create new homework” button on your course from the page.
- Ensure you give your homework a short unique label.
- Now edit your homework.
To Add New Stock Criteria
- Click on the green arrow beside the grading criteria.
- In the box, type your new name, such as affirm_sector.
- In the drop-down box, select “new variable” or ctr-shift-n.
- Now add whatever property you want to specify. To learn more about our expression language, read our Equihack Language guide.
To require a PE greater than 5
under grading criteria, add a new condition “affirm_pe” where PE > 5
To require at least 1% monthly return
Under Overview, Return Performance set the Minimum Monthly Average to 1.
To Add Rebalance or Trading Costs
- Switch to the Trading Rules tab.
- Select the Rebalance term you would like students to use.
- Select the Trading Cost you want them to use (if any).
Create a new assignment (for students)
- Ensure you have joined the course. Go to Course[missing page] if you have not.
- Browse the given course in the homework table, and click on the homework you wish to start.
- Click on the “Edit/Create” homework.
- Check the required performance characteristics.
- Create your strategy; refer to Stock Screener if you need help creating strategies.
Submit an assignment (for students)
- Click on the books icon
next to the Go button.
- If you are happy with your grade, submit your homework. Otherwise, try again.