Language Overview

Equihack is the name we gave to Equities Lab’s programming language. It drives our screeners, backtesting and everything else we offer. Once you are comfortable with the Equihack language, you will be equipped to create your own simple or highly complex screeners.

Language Introduction

Equihack is the name we gave to Equities Lab’s programming language that drives our screeners, backtesting and everything else we offer. The Equihack language is the focus of these lessons. Equities Lab has a great deal of reports, heat maps and g…

Complex Terms

Learn how to create more complex Equihack terms! You have been encouraged to create your terms from the “middle out.” This is done by entering all needed operators first. This creates a framework where you can then fill in any needed properties and…


Operators are mathematically inspired calculations of properties . They can be anything from the Change of a property over a certain number of days to the absolute value of a calculation, or even the exponential moving average of any criteria. Operators…

Types of Operators

The following guide explains the different types of operators we offer, along with the knowledge necessary to successfully use them to create powerful conditions in your stock screens and trading models. Operators tell the filter what to do…


Equities Lab Properties Properties  are fields of data related to a security (or stock). Many of the properties are fields that you would find on an income statement, balance sheet, or statement of cash flows, such as “Net_Income_1Y”, “EPS_1Q”,…

Special Variables

Special Variables have specific meanings in the Equihack language . Below, we give detail to what those meanings are. affirm_* A special true/false that is used in General.Used to create criteria for homework assignments. If the variable is not…