Mac Troubleshooting Guide

Good news
Equities Lab runs perfectly on OS X Yosemite Version 10.10 and above.
Bad news
Equities Lab has issues running on OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 and below.

So if you are running on OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 or below we first suggest that you update for free to OS X Yosemite 10.10 which you can do for FREE in the App Store then download and run Equities Lab normally.

If you do not wish or are unable to update then we have a couple options for you:

First, try downloading Equities Lab normally if you have 10.9 and below. It may work or it may not. If you run into issues then try the following:

Install Java for Equities Lab

Before you Install Equities Lab, you need to have JRE installed on your Mac. To do this you simply have to go to the following URL-

Java Download

Open Equities Lab with the Terminal

1. Open Terminal on your Mac.

To do so click the little magnifier icon in the top right of your Mac and type in “terminal” then select it.

2.  In the terminal, first copy and paste the following text then press return(enter):

cat >

Your Terminal will look like this:

3. Copy and paste the following text into the next line of the terminal and press return(enter):

cd "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents"
`find . -name javaws`

Your Terminal will look like this:

4. Now Press Control + D on the new line.

Your Terminal will look like this:

5. Now copy and paste the following text and press return(enter):

chmod a+x

Your Terminal will look like this:

6. Now copy and paste the following text and press return(enter):


After pressing Return in Step 6 Equities Lab should have downloaded. If it did not then we suggest updating to OS X Yosemite 10.10 for free then downloading Equities Lab normally OR you will just need to access a windows computer to have access to Equities Lab

We Apologize for any inconvenience.

WAIT: To ensure you do not have to repeat those horrible steps each time you want to run the program then follow these steps:

1. Click on the little magnifying glass in the upper right of your Mac and search for “”

2. Once you find it rename that file to “runel.command”

3. Now drag that File to your desktop so that it will be easily accessible.

When unable to update

Though rate, there are instances where JWrapper will become defective and you’ll need to follow these instructions.


copy the following in into your Mac Terminal.

cd Library/Application\ Support/

Press Return


copy the following into your Mac Terminal.

rm -rf JWrapper*

Press Return


Open a new copy of Equities Lab.

After that, you should be updated to the most recent version of Equities Lab.