My First Watchlist

Introducing a simple Watchlist

Creating your Watchlist

From the home page, navigate to the Explorer Tab.

Type in “Value Across Time YRLY” and select it.

The stock screener should appear something like the image below (the heat map will look different due to differing dates).

Publishing a Stock Screener as a Watchlist

Now that we have a stock screener pulled up, we can publish it as a Watchlist. Click on the Watchlist icon in the upper right corner of the screen within your stock screener.


You now have a new watchlist named “Value Across Time YRLY”.

Try This

Click on one of the securities after saving, and notice there are several options including;

  • Never Buy <stock name> or
  • Buy <stock name> with Simulator

If this were a real trading situation, you would research each company and do one of two things:

  • If you don’t like the company, you would select “Never Buy”. We will add the security to your blacklist, and will never tell you to repurchase it. (You can unblacklist it at any point.)
  • If you like the company, after you buy it in real-life, select “I Bought“. We will then track the security and tell you when it’s time to sell with a sell alert on your account page. It is time to sell when the security no longer passes the buy criteria (which is the Value Across Time YRLY stock screener).

Tear Sheets

Click on a stock in the heat map and view the information displayed in the “tear sheet.”

By default, the tear sheet will be “Synopsis.” Click on “Switch tear sheet” in the bottom left of the pop-up to get a different set of information.

The resulting window will look like the one below:

Choose the EPS History Tear Sheet, then click on the stock again to view the tear sheet information.

Viewing multiple tear sheets will help guide you to a decision on whether you think the stock will be a good investment or not.

Assume you like around half of the securities, so you buy them and blacklist the others.

Switch over to the Blacklist Tab and notice all of the securities you Blacklisted are now displayed there (we blacklisted “TR” in this example).

Why is buying in the simulation important?

We buy the securities to keep track of your portfolio and generate sell alerts when the security no longer passes the buy criteria. When the stock no longer passes the “Value Across Time YRLY” strategy, a sell alert will be generated.

Watchlist Overview

Now that you have created your first watchlist, you can switch to the Overview Tab to change the name and description. Click on them to edit.